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2021 Ox Year Forecast - Part Two

* * * READ PART ONE HERE * * *


As the rodent of 2020 bids a speedy exit stage left, the Ox ambles towards the podium to herald in a New Year. The temperament shift is slow and one of transition, inviting us to pause for thought and recenter. I’ve taken a leaf from the Ox’s handbook; and chewed the cud while ruminating on the ruminant.

Chinese metaphysics offers a myriad of methods to decode 2021’s comings and goings. Last year’s purely visual forecast honed in on but one predictive tool - visual elemental outcomes in Interiors¹. This year we dive deep and lean into the written word to contemplate what’s masquerading behind the pensive gaze of the affable bovine. In Part One of the Yin Metal Ox forecast we looked back via the legacy of sexagenary cycles. Now in Part Two, we’ll unpack 2021’s Elemental alchemy, Zodiacal tendencies, Cow Commerce and ponder some industry Cash Cows*.


We’ve travelled back in time via multiple sexagentary cycle - the historical recurrence of this specific pillars every 60 years i.e 1961 - in Part One. Now through the lens of 2021’s elemental Year Pillar, we break down each component. Most folks will know it’s the Year of the Ox, but the full title is Yin Metal Ox - referring to the Annual Pillar arrangement - made of two characters - 辛 on top, the Heavenly Stem(HS) and 丑 below, the Earthly Branch(EB). Decoding the dynamic pairing of these characters comes down to the building blocks of Chinese Metaphysics - namely the Five elements and the interplay of cycles.

In the out going Rat year, we had an influx of Metal and Water. Metal returns in 2021; in partnership with Earth via the guise of the Ox 丑. Classically Earth element bridges seasons, as one-phase ends and a new season begins, so Earth brings a transitional shift. Earth and Metal form a productive relationship, which is over all harmonious and bodes better than a destructive union. Primarily the Ox is grounded in Yin Earth but it has the hidden resources of Metal deep at its core. A peep at the hierarchy of pillar dynamics also hints that the HS of Metal is stronger than the EB of Earth. Little by little Metal chips away to drain and exhaust Earth.

We can deduce from 2021’s Elemental Alchemy that residual metal element themes of last year will transition by way of fading, merging and blending - like the transition between seasons - little by little. Following the pace of the Ox toward 2021’s start line, it’s notably blurred. The New Year kicks off with a Palindrome date (discussed at length in Part One) so the feeling of going back and forth or being in reverse will be palpable. Operating in stealth mode the sluggish start will have teasing peaks in May through early August - the true tide of change perhaps only happening at the tail end. ¹ Subscriber’s keep your eyes peeled our Bonus feng shui elemental interpretation, released later in February.

ⓒ Feng Shui Ism


Delving into the habits and tendencies of the Zodiacal animals shines a light on the terrain that lies ahead. The year may in all honesty feel austere on the back of the outgoing Year of the Rat; which began a new cycle as the first of the Zodiacal signs. Rat did the solo burrowing underground. As the Ox receives the slo-mo baton exchange it’s tasked with the job of furrowing, tilling and cultivating the terrain that Rat reign left in its wake. But the Ox isn’t charged with the solo capabilities of the rodent, it needs an implement and some operator assistance to do so. With these appendages, man and his metal plough, is equipped to transform the muddy fallow earth into fecund fields. It toils slowly, but in partnership. Oxen are hard workers, the workhorses if you will of the Zodiac. In life and death they can selflessly provide nourishment – milk and meat - unlike the Rat – thus Oxen encourages us to tap into all available resources, be they hidden or less obvious. Cattle stock taken from Winter fields, fed grain over winter now return outdoors to forage in Spring fields. But decidedly less lush after nocturnal rodents ran amuck. Under the stewardship of the Ox we’ll focus on Terra firma, the land we occupy, where we call home, so real estate and property, landownership be it personal or nations are all highlighted. Notions of how we’ll envisage and nurture our immediate and collective lands and that of our country — back to fertility will perpetually niggle us. (See worldwide unrest relating to countries and ownership on a global level in the Stately Ox forecast Part One.)


Looking to Oxen’s legacy via commodity lens, we look to the bovine tendencies and how they’ve manifested. Cattle headage and landownership have always been a measure of prosperity and wealth in society. Today, Brazil is ranked No.1 with 1.4 billion head of cattle and sits 4th in Bovine meat export markets. While Australia ranks 1st country with the world’s most valuable beef exports A$10.8 billion in 2019. It’s a space worth watching with tensions between China/Aus exports in 2020. Beef related headlines are a certainty when tracking previous Yin Metal Ox years. Carpaccio (raw beef) first hit plates in the famous Venetian Bar- Harry’s in 1961. The year also marked the invention of a specific technique to tenderize meat, involving injecting an enzyme from Papaya directly into the bloodstream of living animals. Anyone else seeing Vaccine synergies? More on this below.  

Cattle thread heavily in more ways than one on the earth’s plane. They’ve a slow swagger and a tad lethargic but unquestionably stoic and strong. Of course they can charge and stampede but this achieves little, only undoing former successes. One of the first draft animals - they were nature’s haulers. And thus crowned the powerhouse behind the earliest surviving vehicle - Puabi's Sumerian sledge. While the first grain drill was patented back in 1841. ‘Tis the Ox that inspired the coining of an ‘acre’ - the original definition of the area a group of oxen could plough in a day!

Indeed the Ox’s relationship with land is tightly woven. Especially in the preparation of earth, so agricultural and crops industries will make their mark in the global landscape. As previously noted in the elemental pillar dynamics, Metal’s hierarchy leads to draining and exhausting Earth. So one could say in cereal and grain export sectors, Rice - a Metal classed grain, may do well. While wheat, a wood classed cereal, maybe less productive. India and China are the largest producers of Millet(earth classed) with China the lead Rice producer and India taking out top place in the exporting of Rice. Both nations are also key players (after Brazil), in cattle headage terms. Resources from these countries could be topical in 2021. But speaking of Grains, more specifically distillers’ grains - a cereal byproduct of the distillation process - is actually fodder food for ruminants! Ethanol production also nets a very similar byproduct for cattle feed. However, Ethonal manufacturing plants in the U.S (ranked No.1) were hit hard by Covid and plants are closing. Former No.1, Brazil is now ranked No.2 for ethanol production, but its gallon output is half that of the States. Brazil uses sugarcane to produce its biofuel while the U.S uses corn - an elementally classed Fire grain. Sugar is more Earthly defined as sweetness as it’s linked to Earth, but elementally speaking it’s weakened by a drain cycle this year. Corn could have the edge in 2021 as distiller’s grains derived from fire afflicted grains i.e corn, could fair best of all - as Fire elementally overpowers (conquers) Metal - in lay terms it’s akin to money making.

But the Cow/fuel link doesn’t stop here with the very pungent by-product of cattle - Dung -as a potential renewable energy source. Cow manure has long been used as a fertilizer and on a smaller scale it’s what gives chapaties (flat bread) cooked on a gober (cow dung) fire, its unique flavour. Ireland also cooked using Cow pats - dry cow dung - by placing over and under the bread pan when baking bread. Called bóithleáns or bóitríns, derived from from , the Irish for cow ². Why refer to expelling matter? Because the bodily system under Metal’s governance is that of Elimination, combined with ‘pungent’ and ‘rotten’ - two other metal derived affiliations. Not surprising Pampers, invented the 1st disposable nappy in 1961. As fire related industries like renewable energies will fare well in 2021, perhaps manure will command more research as a biofuel. Even though it yields a third to a quarter of the energy value of coal. It may be viewed through different lens as Island nations may struggle with export and import of many products and resources. Favoured transport will be Terra firma related – rail and automobile, over flights and voyages with international borders so heavily protected. As cow years speak to a certain frugality, regional tilling of local Earthly resources for sustenance and fuel may well be a key to resilient success in 2021.

Africa Food Security by Kate Holt via CC02

Millet grains via CC A 4.0 license.


2020 saw supermarket shelves stripped bare as hoarding, followed by scarcity, set in - it was akin to warlike rationing. A theme we’ll see repeat and continue as 2021 struggles to move past Covid’s frame of reference. Now as borders are anxiously policed, international shipping operates in limp mode and flights are grounded - it’s a question of access to the imported food commodities we’ve become accustom to - distribution and transport of food is highlighted. History notes in 1961 under different circumstances, the U.S piloted food stamps; it was President J.F Kennedy’s first executive order to expand food distribution. Food kitchens worldwide certainly made headlines, as job losses hit our shores with previous donators now recipients- this may very well continue in 2021.

Ox speaks to Harvesting and thus speaks to food. While Taste, is an Earthly sense. Some New tastes and market offerings hit the shelves in Yin Metal Ox years. Notably the invention of Dried Milk or Coffee Mate to name the brand in 1961. Powdered Butter was developed in Australia and Streets an iconic Aussie ice cream was launched in late ‘61. While a method to measure the pungency (metal element) of onions, determining its pyruvic acid content, made food headlines again in ‘61. Tinning ,or more specifically tin canning saw Australia’s 1st soft drink produced in a Melbourne plant in 1961. While 60 years earlier Puffed rice, Rice Krispie cereal was invented as was Switz Milka Chocolate bar. I think you’ll agree, many have notable ‘cow’ derived links (including the previously mentioned carpaccio and tenderating of beef invention) and also elementally affiliated with ‘Metal’.


Career hands were forced last year so a hankering to kick some career goals will rank high. Transitional career choices take time, so re-calibrate and recenter before you stampede and bolt out of the paddock gate. Certain industries will preform better and feel like cash cows - but with a few noted caveats. Such as if Metal or Earth are your favourable elements in your BaZi, the year could deliver the moolah. Especially so if you’re a Fire day-master, as Metal represents your wealth.

Wet-folding_bull via CC02

Every industry is governed by one of the five elements. Take Banking it’s aligned to Metal. Coinage is a great example of Yin metal - small, malleable and packed with detail. Now add the Ox - the detailed reliefs of familiar Figurehead and heads of States combine. Notably the British farthing, ceased to be legal tender in 1961 and the first inquiry on Decimal Currency in the UK was launched in 1961 - but delivered in 1971 in Ireland and the UK. And South Africa shifted from pound to rand decimalization also in ‘61. It’s no wonder chatter re cryptocurrency, specially Bitcoin* is making mainstream headlines - history shows a shift in legal tender topics.

Although Bitcoin is a digital currency, it’s visually represented as a gold coin - without a figurehead - instead a combined ‘B’ and $ sign. ‘B’ stands for beta in the Greek alphabet, and also doubles as a measure of the volatility or systematic risk in markets. ‘B’ also stands for Bear and Bull, both common parlance in the stock exchange. Combined that’s big peaks and big lows. This year Metal industries magnetism will repel more than it attracts, so metal aligned businesses, like Banking sectors, will struggle. Bitcoin is energetic money, as digital enterprises are governed by Fire element. Fortune favours fire industries in 2021 and crypto fits the bill, adding a measure of controlled virtual metal if you will. The Bullish market trend of Bitcoin¹ maybe in part assisted by it’s bovine buddy this year but for every Bull there’s a Bear. For every flame there’s an ember for every peak there’s a flicker to low. Stocks will follow fire tendencies. Wise Cow counsel points to pairing up with tangible matter, all that is digital is not tangible. Consider swapping some bitcoin ‘mining’ for some earth mined additions like Bullion, to the portfolio¹. Plastic is also a fire element use of money, so it too will be utilized heavily, as hard cash use declines. Tiger and Rabbit month fuel the rise while Snake and Horse month hit peak surge. We may also see fated Quantitative Easing (printing money) materialize in 2021. Heydays may become betadays before the year’s out - in 1901 the 1st New York stock exchange crash occurred.

Other Yin Metal classed industries align with tools fashioned for precision. Not oversized metal machinery but a fine implements to pick out detail like Gillette’s, first double safety blade invented in 1901. Also think needles and scissors of the tailor, the acupuncturists needle, the medics syringe (hello again vaccination debate), a carpenter’s nail or the engineer’s fine machinery components. Even the locksmith’s key - the Ox is the keeper of keys, and turning 21 has a historical tradition of receiving keys. The UK patent for the iconic, but fiddly metal Meccano 1901 is a great engineering example. If you wield any of these tools of trade or work in an elementally metal classed industry then your profession may well be inundated - but opportunities maybe out of your ‘control’ and pressure to remain competitive maybe a hard fought battle.

The knife of a butcher or the scapel of a surgeon also dual as weapons. Other weapons of war like bullets, swords and daggers - not forgetting wars of sharp ‘words’ - due to Metal’s correspondence to Speech - will also be spotlighted, although not in the most favourable of lights. There’s one bias some metal industries have over there counterparts - to monetise opportunities the industry should involve using Fire (Heat) to control Metal. Such as the blacksmith’s punch (metal works), the tooling tools of a jeweller to fashion jewellery (artisan metal crafts) or the chef’s knife skills (cafes, restaurants) or like the energetic use of Fire - crypto example above. Australia has strong steel correlation in previous Yin Ox years - 1841’s Australia’s iron ore deposits were first discovered (earth & Metal combine). Then in 1901 the first blast furnace opened its doors. And in ‘61 BHP's new ferro alloy opened and the first continuous galvanizing line was commissioned. Another industry to keep an eye on.

Looking to Yin Earth we take our cues from Ox and Earth industries, in the main they’ll deliver coin. As we adapt to 2021, Earth is the new elemental kid on the block. The qualities of Yin Earth Ox, speaks to the aforementioned professions that Ox gravitates to, akin to Sovereignty positions, stately leaders or the military. Roles that command authority and high ranking as well as precision such as lawmakers, judiciary, doctors, teachers, editors, economists or technical roles. Ox’s appetite for terra firma industries is equally apparent -be it a gardener, farmer, stonemason, geomancer, agricultural industries or artisans that use clay - a potter. On a bigger scale Earth industries like land ownership and building construction, property and mining industries, these industries will venture well in 2021. In 1841 the Squatter’s rights were introduced in the U.S, echoing titles and land title topics. Mining and bejeweled jewellery are interesting professions/industries to watch in the year ahead as they combine both elements - perhaps new discoveries in elemental table or big finds in earth, be it resources or finding lost treasure or ancient runes? Europium, a ductile metal with a hardness similar to lead was discovered in 1901. Like the aforementioned favourable element, then a well managed Earthly profession will also have lady luck on their side.


When we conduct Feng Shui consults folks often rank the desire for wealth over health. The adage that ‘health is our wealth’ was apparent last year. Health headlined in an unprecedented fashion, impacting not least our vitality but seeping into our liberty to travel and hitting global economies hard. Looking back to Yin Metal Oxen years a common thread appears in the quest for a means to rid sickness. Be they inventions, discoveries or awards. Such as the 1st Nobel Prizes of 1901 to Emil von Behring and Wilhelm Röntgen. The former for diphtheria and the latter for lifting the veil and getting to the bones of a situ - the invention of X-Ray - a new form of energy. Notable discoveries include the coining of the virus that caused Rubella in 1841. Dr. Alzheimer’s 1st patient was studied in 1901 while Karl Landsteiner discovered the existence of different human blood types. Later in another Yin Metal Ox year of 1961, MRSA was first discovered in UK hospitals. IBuprofen was patented in the same year while on a less endearing note under JFK administration a chemical and biological weapons directive was raised to "consider all possible applications, including use as an alternative to nuclear weapons’. The program was finally eradicated in 1969 under Nixon.

Lung xray Public domain

syringe Strzykawka_szklana_via CC04Syringe by Strzykawka szklana via CC04

Last year the presence of elemental Metal manifested the global focus on Lungs, as this organ is elementally associated with Metal in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). A spotlight was specifically thrown on Metal’s corresponding Sickness Window Sensor – that of Smell – manifesting as loss of ones sense of smell, a side effects in Covid patients. Other Metal associations also manifested such as Grief, Vitality relating to our Respiration, our Breath and Mucus (congested lungs) and one’s head, as well as mental health. Of the five punishments, Metal correlated to that of Detention, which also became a reality as isolation and quarantine led to us all becoming prisoners in our homes and countries. As Metal reappears in 2021 - only yin - but it’s the stronger annual element. Therefore we can deduce Metal related correlations will linger. Especially the mental toil of the past year, our headspace needs nurturing. Via metaphysical lens Males are prone to feel this most. But collectively this topic knows no bounds and impacts everyone. A strong voice to support mental wellness sectors is paramount. Mindful Artisan hobbies like Knitting, Needlework (metal) or ceramics (earth) could offer solace.

Earthly professions are ruled by a drained cycle in 2021 - although potentially busy industries, they’re drained and weakened. The Ox is the Yin mother the gentle hand of mothering. Obviously if nursing and care, or sympathy and empathy are relatable aspects of your professions then you’ll be under pressure to deliver and meet demand. As the Ox is prone to ruminate, the din of monkey mind will surface. Health professionals that offer these support networks will feel this most. The double stomach of the Ox may spur a more mainstream discussion toward food, and its role in gut/brain axis linked to mental health. Or an advance in the cure for Alzheimers will be unearthed.

Earth element speaks to one’s immunity – due to its governance over the Spleen in TCM– Metal’s upper hand in the interplay of the elements, will drain and weaken Earthly correlations i.e. our immunity maybe compromised and opens the pandoras box of immunization. Looking back 60 years to 1961 the U.S Army made multi-use nozzle jet injectors the standard form of administering immunizations, while the CDC (Centre for disease control and prevention) implemented a mass vaccination program across the United States called ‘Babies and Breadwinners’ to combat polio using a multi-use nozzle jet injector gun. Later on in ‘86 and’97 (Ox years) and 2003 the Hepatitis spread was linked to the use of the injection guns. (Hello again yin metal topics.)

The pancreas is also an Earth governed organ and one of the 1st forms of insulin was derived from Cattle pancreas. Perhaps some breakthroughs in diabetes will crop up. But the bovine has played let another stellar and covert move in the vaccine web. Smallpox, one of the deadliest diseases known to humans, is the only human disease to have been eradicated by vaccination. Discovered first when milkmaids who previously caught cowpox didn’t catch smallpox. Highlighting inoculated vaccinia (cow pox virus) protected against inoculated variola virusor (smallpox virus). It was the 1961 invention of the first disposable plastic syringe, and the bifurcated needle(yin metal) with two (earth number) prongs, that also proved vital in the success of this story. Jenner’s, research was initially rejected by the Royal Society. Eradicating smallpox virus has been a lengthy and monumental task. What medical research has been turned down that needs another look? Maybe it’s the delivery method and the solution doesn’t lie in the needle, but instead orally . . .

No matter your persuasion-conspirator v’s conformist, the Holy Grail of Zero cases, has become benchmark code for freedom. Flicker past zero and mandated iso returns. Nations are jaded by covid’s bleak legacy, but immunization solutions and debates will dominate headlines in 2021. Especially given the inference that vaccines are not a ‘Silver Bullet’. Will this Oxen year be the key to unlocking the vaccine or at least our freedom? Smallpox has taken centuries to eradicate. Our time line is very different. No doubt we’ll hear chatter of herd immunity return.


The poster child of prudence and stability in uncertain times - the Ox, is under pressure to deliver the clarity we hanker for. A pandemic lingers leaving a spate of discord in its wake. Lock-downs led to meltdowns - with few industries escaping the Sidam touch of Covid. Debt and death figures are eye watering. But once we’ve actually found 2021’s start-line, things will inevitably come to a head. But refrain from poking the Bull or encouraging a stampede forward in the quest for speed. It will only lead to short term gain. Ox can deliver coveted stability, but only if we fill fallow fields with fecund seeds. Then change will come. Follow the Yin Ox toward a better version of you, one that’s stronger, more stable, with better morals and values. You are the seed to change. Be your own steward and lead, because every nation aches for stewardship and inspiring leadership in the year ahead.

Since digestion is a key bodily system of Earth, I’ll leave folks to chew the cud and ruminate on the ruminant rumblings of 2021 thus far. As the palindrome Lunar New Year draws closer on 12.02.2021 , all that remains is to wish you a Happy Niu Year - Nope, it’s not a typo - it’s a homonym play on the word cow- Niu! ⧇


¹ -Our visual Feng Shui interior Manifestations for a Bonus Part Three, released to subscribers first.

² - Folklore.ie .

WRITTEN 3RD JAN 2021 - Part 2 Released 12/2/21 for CNY  +  Part 1 Released 3/2/21

* Disclaimer - Use at Your Own Risk - Please be aware, I am not a financial advisor or analyst or stock market advice. I offer no legal, financial, medical, psychological, psychiatric, or any other specialist advice. Readers should take seek licensed professional advice. Any action you take upon the information in this article/website is strictly at your own risk, we will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of info in this article or website.

See this gallery in the original post