Gardening Moon Lore | Initiate 执 (Zhi) Day
Heads Up for Sept. 19th 2018.
The energies of an Initiate 执 (Zhi) Day are also sometimes referred to as a Control day in the Chinese Almanac. Yesterday’s productive gardening pursuits may have left you tried but it’s a repeat and rinse kinda day . . . . continue with yesterdays uncompleted tasks.
The collective over all energies of the day won’t be as productive as yesterday but a day of cruisey smooth sailing is on the cards. Chi is aligned with activities like hunting or fishing, maybe turn your attention to a pond or a dam on your property. It’s also a great day to set out a path or walkway or tend to a neglected driveway, just refrain from moving large structures.
The moon is still in earthy Capricorn, a Semi Fertile sign, making it ideal conditions for planting root crops and above ground leaf growth. The moon’s strong gravitational pull during this 1st quarter lunar phase also makes it optimum time to transplant plants from pots in your garden beds. Grafting is also ideal before sap starts to flow, while the moon is in the 1st quarter and while it’s passing through earthy Capricorn.
Just like the Capricorn mountain goat, lots of hard grafting work is achievable under a Capricorn moon. The hours between 7-9am and 1-3pm, will feel the most productive hours of the day.
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