Electromagnetic Fields + Geopathic Stress

How is your general health - were you recently diagnosed with a serious health complication? Are your children frequently waking up with nightmares?  Do you sleep like a baby when you’re away from your own home? Or perhaps you’re experiencing headaches in the new offices but fine when you work remotely from home. Maybe you’ve recently moved home and you can correlate a marked change in your child or pets behaviours.  These are a few tell tale signs that you should consider a Geomancy or EMF's survey for your home/business.

Put simply Geopathic stress is the Earth’s natural occurring magnetic fields at play and there are positive and negative forces at play. Where as EMF’s are man-made electromagnetic fields. Both have adverse effects on our health over time and should be addressed quickly to avoid serious health outcomes.

Unfortunately, Australia is lagging behind many European countries with EMF markers set back in the 1950's! Sadly, schools, offices and homes operate at these inappropriate levels. The most common validation from advocates of WiFi zones are -'the emissions are so low, it won't affect us’. However most have failed to note it’s not how LOW emissions are that of most concern - it’s the exposure to Low emissions over frequent and extended periods of time that causes the issues. The WHO (World Health Organization) has have classified certain magnetic fields as a possible carcinogen. The scientific evidence linking EMF's and RF to significant health issues is insurmountable. What you won't find is evidence that these technologies won't case you any health issues. So the precautionary principle is advised. The Council of Europe noted in 2011, ‘Waiting for high levels of scientific proof before taking action on electromagnetic fields can lead to very high health and economic costs, as in cases of asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco’.



EMF :: WiFi :: Electromagnetic smog

The scientific world of Electromagnetic fields and Radio Frequencies is truly complicated and some clients switch off when industry jargon and Mhz are thrown around. But the EMFs smog we live in from 5G routers to smart meters is too great to ignore. So let us help decode the jargon and offer practical ways to reduce and avoid by exercising the precautionary principle and minimise exposure.



Naturally occurring, geopathic stress exists everywhere! A client may feel it but not able to identify it. We conduct thorough telephone consult in advance to discuss other examples of GS as the varieties are vast and we advice you of the most appropriate consultation for your circumstances. A trained consultant taps into the earth’s natural rhythms and identifies various stressors through the use of Dowsing and other tools.  We offer practical remedies and you’ll be amazed at how energised your property makes you feels post an audit.