Chinese metaphysics offers insightful weather intel; however I refrain from detailed weather predictions in my Annual Astro forecasts. Mainly due to global nature of forecasting vastly different climates. Thus tracking weather is a time consuming, full-time job! But Australia’s wild weather, from soaring temps to cyclones has got me looking back on my 2023 weather prediction.
“‘The yin weather vibes manifest as mercury dips, delivering big freezes, blizzards and winds bring drought. Bunker down’”
The UK and US certainly experienced Big freezes in spades. I’ve not heard media mention of drought on home turf; droughts are a slow burn for media. Instead Floods etc have headlined. Not surprising in a Water Rabbit Year, although the annual water component was a Yin generating cycle, while Rabbit year 2011—saw a clash of metal controlling wood — bringing Cyclone Yasi, QLD’s worst cyclone. Although ‘Cyclones’ were not included specifically; the combo of wind (4 afs) with water (stem) – were two 2023 themes. I did mention in my prediction (see below).
‘There’s no escaping Woods presence, for #4, doubles up. But Trigram Xun calls the shots. Take precautions when travelling by air, as Wind, movement and travellers come under its watch. Winds penetrate and disseminate everywhere, scattering what’s in its wake’. Noting Cyclone Freddy; the longest-lived cyclone ever recorded battered SE Africa for weeks.
Noting also that the above mentioned SE direction, where Cyclone Freddy unleashed its power, is home to annual #3 of Thunder & #4 Wind in domicile, in the 2023 Lu shu (see diagram). Combined these elements deliver strong, quick and expansive occurrences.
In my forecast I focused on drought (wind component) as a stronger global theme, also echoed in my 2024 forecast in @wellbeing_magazine . Australian farmers are in fact bracing for drought. Statically of the three major C19th droughts in Oz Rabbit years ended (1903) and started (1939) two of these. (Rabbit years have a habit of beginning or ended things, much like my war prediction.) But globally the biggest indicator of drought came from the ‘lungs of the planet’, the Amazon; ‘where the worst drought in a half a century’ happened on Rabbit’s watch. Which feeds into my famine predictions; droughts have exacerbated famine in the Horn of Africa. It’s not only weather that brings Famine; war plays a part. Israel/Gaza was pinged in 2023.
“Living eye to eye with environmental wisdom ”