We’re in an eclipse period and some big lights get their lights dimmed . . . sadly on 12 Oct 2024, Lilly Ledbetter, the American women rights activist who fought for pay inequality, passed away. An opportunity to pay a little homage to the passing of the icon and a retrospective of some 2024 predictions.
It never ceases to amazes me how charts get pinged. When I write my annual scopes, I write about 12 months ahead, so when I see themes triggered it always heartening to know you’ve identified a topic, theme or specifics that unfurls in the future.
Writing the 2024 scopes was huge – as there were two major shifts that needed unpacking and sorting into themes. The forecast honed in on the New Age 9 that began a 20-year long cycle, which would give rise to more female focused themes. Coupled with 2024 Wood Dragon themes, initiating the changes and shifts. Titled ‘The ride on the big or go home rollercoaster’.; the year to date is exactly that - HUGE! Anyone that writes for a publication will know there’s always a word count…. so here’s a taster of this theme —
“The New Age has strong Female correlations; feminism and suffragettes began under previous Age of 9 — with Karl Marx, a double dragon native, positing Marxist feminism in 1844 Marxist Manuscripts. Ladies may bridge the gender pay gap, as former dragon years reveal equality acts, including 1964 Civil Rights Act. ”
While Lilly Ledbetter per say wasn’t on my Dragon Year research radar— three other associated themes were; her former employer – Goodyear, the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Gender pay gap. What a life Lilly Ledbetter led. If you’re a Bazi aficionado the table summary below illustrates how her chart was triggered.
She opened and ended her life in the same elements - only in reverse. But her story started before her birth with Suffragette founding 1904, even shared same natal configurations with Dragon born Susan B Anthony, a leading founder of the movement. And of course Goodyear, who 120 years ago received the patent for vulcanization, a process to strengthen rubber. Rubber is actually a Fire element product, which ties into the current Age 9; this specific rubber nugget of info didn’t make it into my final draft; but rest assured it’s in my notes and why Ledbetter’s death struck such a memory cord.
You’ll see below when Ledbetter retired at 60 and how a return to our birth year forces some deep reflection. A look in the mirror; - leading to her to sue Goodyear. Her life story was heavily influenced by Ages (the third column) She picks you cycle mantels seamlessly, Age 6 working in Goodyear during a male dominance theme, and then in Age 7 the rising of female voice. Even in Age 9 her memoir, move and death all echo the Age of 9 female led changemakers.
I could go on forever on synchronicities in her chart but the table below is best format. Noting Ox was her Nobleman, 2009 was an Ox year when the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 was passed into law. The 2009 act amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which is pinged again this year 60 years on (what new addendum will be passed into law this year?). She was born on a Rat day the Ox is her secret friend. Earth element is her chart represent her Expression element – what she puts out into the world, her skills – goat, ox , dog and dragon crop up frequently at significant moments of life. Her memoir published in 2012 dragon year and 2024 the movie Lilly. Just two later in Wood Dog month the ultimate clash with her natal dragon and the rooster day with he natal Rat; Rooster and Rat have a combative destructive relationship. . . . her light was dimmed . . . . but her legacy lives on. What a remarkable lady.
ⓒ Fengshuiism 2024
And Finally
Karl Marx, a double dragon native, posited his Marxist feminism in the 1844 Marxist Manuscripts. 1844 was also under a previous Age of 9 cycle, 180 years ago - three sixty year cycles it’s was a Wood Dragon year—just like 2024. Only the first volume of his multi volume critique of the capitalist system was publication in Marx’s lifetime— and you guessed, a new English translation was just published in Sept 2024, Capital: Critique of Political Economy, Volume 1
Coincidentally Marx and Ledbetter share identical Month and Year pillars - 120 years apart. . . .
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